
The National Quality Framework for Early Childhood Education

Síolta - Introductory handbook


The publication of Síolta would not have been possible without the sustained support and positive contributions of a wide range of organisations and individuals.

The CECDE would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge the continued enthusiasm and commitment of the early childhood care and education (ECCE) community in Ireland. This community has risen once again to the challenge of developing policy which will support and enhance the provision of quality services for our youngest children.

The opinions, views and suggestions of this broad and varied constituency were represented to the CECDE through the membership of our Consultative Committee. These organisations provided us with valuable insight into the multiple dimensions of quality that exist in ECCE services in Ireland and contributed significantly to achieving balance and equity of focus in the Framework materials. The individuals who represented these organisations worked tirelessly to fulfil their brief of mediating the development of the Framework for their individual constituencies.

In addition, several organisations shared specific materials which assisted us in identifying policies and procedures and legislation and regulation relevant to ECCE settings. A special mention is also due to the members of our Expert Working Group on Irish Language Translation who have not only ensured that the Irish language version of the Framework is relevant and meaningful, but have also contributed significantly to the development of common terminology relevant to ECCE in Ireland.

The realisation of our Programme of Work owes much to the CECDE Board of Management and Steering Committee who have provided invaluable experience, expertise and wisdom in a consistent and generous manner.

And finally, we acknowledge the efforts of many individuals in the Department of Education and Science for their professional assistance. We hope that the publication of Síolta will renew and reinforce the commitment to quality, already so evident in the ECCE sector in Ireland.

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