
The National Quality Framework for Early Childhood Education


Standard 10: Organisation

Organising and managing resources effectively requires an agreed written philosophy, supported by clearly communicated policies and procedures to guide and determine practice.

Component 10.1 | Component 10.2 | Component 10.3 | Component 10.4 | Component 10.5 | Component 10.6 | Component 10.7

Component 10.1 - The setting has developed a comprehensive statement or set of statements that clearly describes the vision, values and principles which underpin the nature of the service, and informs all aspects of practice.

Signposts for Reflection - General


What are the essential elements that need to be included in a philosophy statement for your setting?

Think about (e.g.)

  • The view of children and child development that informs and guides your practice See 7.1
  • The core values that adults working with children should be guided by See 11.2
  • How you define and describe the service that you provide for children and their families
  • Your perspectives on the role of parents and families in the delivery of your service? See 3.2 / 3.3

Component 10.2 - The setting has a range of clearly documented policies and procedures covering all aspects of practice in the setting. These are developed, and shared appropriately, with all stakeholders.

Signposts for Reflection


What documented policies and procedures are in place in your setting?


How do you get the views and input of all relevant stakeholders in the development of policies and procedures? See 4.1

Think about (e.g.)

  • Asking for input on the writing/preparation of your policy and procedures
  • The stakeholders involved
  • Gathering and translating these views into the policy documents
  • Getting agreement on the content


How do your policies and procedure documents inform practice in your setting?

Think about (e.g.)

  • Familiarity with these documents by all adults in the setting
  • Their use as the basis for routines and everyday practice in the setting
  • Regular review to ensure they continue to be relevant to practice See 8.4

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Component 10.3 - The management of financial resources within the setting is efficient, effective and ensures the sustainability of the service.

Signposts for Reflection


What systems do you have in place to make sure that financial records are accurate and well maintained?

Think about (e.g.)

  • Book-keeping, income and expenditure, and receipts
  • Taxation, revenue returns
  • Annual accounts


What processes do you use to review the financial situation of your setting?

Think about (e.g.)

  • Preparation of budgets
  • Weekly, quarterly, annual reconciliation of expenses to budget
  • Processes to review or amend budgets


How do you make sure that you have the necessary information and skills to ensure that your setting continues to be financially sustainable?

Think about (e.g.)

  • Your financial management skills
  • Accessing professional advice and support (e.g., accountant, auditor)
  • Opportunities for accessing funding, grant aid, subsidies

Component 10.4 - All adults working in the setting are valued, supported and encouraged in their individual roles and responsibilities.

Signposts for Reflection


What processes are in place to ensure that all adults have their rights as employees met and safeguarded?

Think about (e.g.)

  • Self-employed registration, working hours, holidays, salaries, RSI contributions, PRSA


How do you ensure that any other adults who may support or assist you in your service are fully briefed on their roles and responsibilities?

Think about (e.g.)

  • Student participation and supervision processes
  • The role and supervision of volunteers (e.g., parents)


How do you make sure that you get appropriate support and encouragement for your demanding role?

Think about (e.g.)

  • Finding a supportive individual willing to act as a mentor
  • Availing of opportunities to share ideas, views and information through support groups, professional membership organisations, attendance at workshops, conferences, exhibitions, etc.


Do you take advantage of opportunities to become involved in education, training and continuing professional development? See 11.4

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Component 10.5 - A strong ethos of teamwork is evident in the setting.

Signposts for Reflection


How do you create and support a culture of teamwork in your setting? (e.g., with parents, children, your own family, other professionals)


How do you ensure that all those who interact regularly with your service feel included as part of a team?


How do you share information in support of teamwork?


Do adult/adult interactions reflect mutual support and trust of each other? See 5.5


How do you ensure that rights to confidentiality are respected amongst all adults interacting with your service? See 12.3

Component 10.6 - The setting keeps relevant and accurate administration records whilst maintaining appropriate levels of confidentiality.

See 12.3

Signposts for Reflection


What types of records are kept in your setting?

Think about (e.g.)

  • Children, staff, attendance, accidents/incidents, medication, administration, parental permission for outings and photography, cleaning routines, fire drills, etc.
  • Ensuring confidentiality of records, which are sensitive or refer to personal details of children, families and staff
  • Storage of records
  • Access to records See 15.1
  • Sharing of records See 12.2
  • Accuracy of records
  • Responsibility for record-keeping
  • Regular review of records

Component 10.7 - The setting has clearly documented, welldeveloped and functioning management structures and operating processes that support the implementation of the setting's philosophy, in the best interests of children, families and staff.

Signposts for Reflection


Do you have structures and processes in place which help you to manage your service efficiently?


What processes are in place to support medium and long term strategic planning for the development of your setting?

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