Welcome to Síolta
The National Quality Framework for Early Childhood Education

Síolta contains the Principles, Standards, Components of Quality and Signposts for Reflection.
Síolta has been designed to support your engagement in all aspects of quality practice and may be used by you as an individual early years educator, in working with colleagues in your setting and also as a support for networking with other professional colleagues who work with young children from birth to six years.
Download the manual
The principles, standards and components contained within this manual are applicable to and for use by early learning and care settings.

The Aistear Síolta Practice Guide
The Aistear Síolta Practice Guide is a support tool to help early years educators to use Síolta and Aistear, the Early Childhood Curriculum Framework (2009) together to develop the quality of their curriculum and in doing so, to better support children's learning and development. The Practice Guide can be used for on-going review, development and improvement by individual educators, educators working together and by educators supported by a mentor.
Get in touch
Office Location
Postal address.
Early Years Quality UnitDepartment of Children, Equality, Disability,
Integration and Youth (DCEDIY)
Miesian Plaza
50-58 Baggot Street Lower,
Dublin 2,
D02 XW14